Human Resources Improvement and Development
- We have an experience of collaborating with Indonesia Hotel General Manager Association and Archipelago International in a Road Show Seminar with the theme “Road to General Manager” in the cities of Denpasar, Makassar, Jakarta, Semarang, Jogjakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Palembang, Bandar Lampung, Batam, Pekanbaru, Medan. Padang, Purweokerto, and Mataram
- We also delivered a presentation as a Keynote Speaker at MGM, Waringin Hotel General Manager Conference with the theme “General Manager’s Strategies to be a Future Competitive Leaders”
- Our lecturers are Outstanding Lecturers from reputable educational institutions across the country, i.e. an outstanding lecturer from STP NHI Bandung (Hotel Administration Study Program, Catering and Accommodation Study Program), STP Trisakti Jakarta (D4, S1 Hotel Management Study Program), Medan Poltekpar (Postgraduate Study Program in Applied Tourism Management), Palembang Poltekpar (D4 Study Program), also as the Members of Binus Board of Experts